marți, 17 ianuarie 2012

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

Stiu ca nu am scris de ceva timp asa ca meritati ceva misto. Puteam sa scriu despre o gramada dar am preferat sa scriu despre ceva ce s-a intamplat recent. Deci va fi o poveste reala ca sa nu credeti ca scriu despre femei numai din carti sau emisiuni TV (oricum nu fac asta). Din diverse motive pe care sper sa le intelegeti postarea va fi scrisa in Engleza. Sper ca veti intelege ce am vrut sa spun, pentru ca fiecare cuvant este important. Pentru nelamuriri trimiteti-mi un email la

Nu stiu daca cunoasteti titlul postarii. Titlul este un citat celebru (insa cunoscut si folosit incorect) din The Mourning Bride de William Congreve. Multi din sfera anglo-saxona (si nu numai) stiu de acest "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" insa citatul corect este "Heav'n has no rage, like love to hatred turn'd, Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn'd."

Niciodata nu am putut sa fac o traducere perfecta desi am tot intors citatul asta pe toate partile. Puteti da o cautare pe Google pentru diverse traduceri/explicatii. Eu as zice ceva de genul "Nimic nu este mai razbunator decat o femeie deceptionata / refuzata / abandonata in dragoste" (si care dragoste s-a transformat in ura). Pe mine de mult m-a impresionat citatul asta fara sa banuiesc ca vreodata voi da (personal) de consecintele lui. Sincer, nu stiu daca femeile care li se potriveste citatul merita laude sau mila. Probabil a doua varianta. Ok, hai sa trecem la fapte dar inaninte aveti nevoie de o scurta povestire (condensata cat de mult am putut) ca sa intelegeti cat de cat (complet nimeni nu v-a intelege, nici macar personajele direct implicate). Sper sa aveti timp si rabdare sa cititi si poate sa si intelegeti.

Once upon a time there was a boy. He lived in a country called R. The boy met a girl. Things could have not gone better. They were different, some sort of Opposites attract, not in a bad way, but in a good way, almost like two complements. He was extrovert she was introvert, he was leading she was following, you get the idea. They decided to (infamous M word) but at that time the boy got an opportunity to legally move to a big powerful country called A. The boy did not hesitate and flew there with the intention to bring the girl after he managed to settle there. He had the best intentions in his mind, wanting to alleviate girl’s impact with a new culture. But little did he know about A’s immigration laws cause he thought he could bring the girl just like that. Big mistake. He had to (infamous M word) before entering A not after. He tried to at least bring her through a visitor’s visa but the girl failed at the A’s embassy in R. They were both very disappointed but they thought they would somehow be able in time to pull it off.
Well, not everything went as planned. Slowly the girl started to reprehend the boy that he did not really wanted her, that he should have not left R. and stayed with her and even accusing him of abandoning her. The boy got tired of her complaints and called her scarcely to the point of no calling at all. After three years the boy briefly visited R. He pondered that it would be better off not visiting the girl, since he was still unable to take the girl with him and that might end up hurting both of them. The girl found out shortly after his departure from R. to A. and all hell broke loose. She commented afterwards to some common friends that "he did not have to marry me but at least he could have visited me". After three more years the boy got his A’s citizenship (yeah bitches!) and decided to take a longer vacation in R for a few months. He kept hearing from everybody at home about the girl being single (or at least not seen with men) all these years and thought he should give her a call and see how she was doing. The girl was trilled beyond belief. She definitely could have not faked such enthusiasm. Maybe she even peed in her pants. She could not wait one more second to see the boy.
Few days before boarding to R the boy called her again. And BOOM the girl was cold and bitchy. She did not want to see him again. The boy brushed it off telling her to stop being a cry-baby. Well, she meant what she said. After arriving in R. the boy called her to no avail and when he decided to visit her he met a cold-faced person who did not have anything to say so he left. He returned to A and after two more years he decided to move back to shitty R for no apparent reason leaving behind everything he had accomplished in 8 years in A (no, it was not for her, you silly dolts).
Since then a few years passed and they incidentally bumped into each-other several times. Most of the times she feigned indifference but sometimes she showed anger toward him. The boy got used to her childish behavior and took it lightly. It was easy to see through her fake acting. Few days ago she had her birthday. The boy knew was pointless to contact her but after all one cannot erase the past so he decided to drop by with some flowers and wish her all the best. She was not at home. She took a vacation for a week and went somewhere with some other single broads so the boy talked for an hour or so to her parents. He tried to call her to no avail so he eventually sent a happy birthday message. Needless to say after several days he did not even got a lame "thank you" but it was expected. Once again he brushed it off lightly knowing what women are capable of. 

So that’s the shortened version of the story (sorry but I could not put every detail of years after years of facts in a post) and I tried to put it in simple words so that every reader can understand it. 

Surely, this is just a single story. It may not be universally valid the general knowledge about women and game just shows the every single details of this story should have been (and were) easily predictable. Here are some conclusions we can draw.

  • Once a woman loves a man she cannot forget him so he is forever in her mind
  • Once a woman loves a man and the story does not end happily for her (for whatever reason, legit or trivial) he is out of her heart
  • When a man stays in her mind but is out of her heart you have a bad combination that literally devours the woman from inside, poisoning her soul. In hindsight, it is unfathomable to think that the woman who professed her undying and unbridled love, took it in every hole, did every kinky move in the book and would have done everything for him, could turn into a hideous Medusa. I look at her and I see a beautiful shell but hollow and empty. I see somebody who would rather live with poison in her heart, mind and soul than forgive something that she is as much liable for as the guy she blames. Somebody who would rather squander her best years than forget or forgive and move forward with a smile and a life experience. Somebody who probably hates and distrusts men now and would rather become a nun than get hitched to a man. 

  • Never apologize to a woman (at least I have not). It would do no good. She will see that as a sign of weakness.
  • You should try to do nice things for her (not many though and only when needed) but rest assured she will see that again as a sign of weakness and groveling. A woman will always think that being nice to her means you want to get in her pants. I have always advocated for not doing nice things for women unless it is really necessary.
  • So many woman become rancorous and vindictive after they fall out of love (and they will at one point in life, believe me and if not read the post about “Women’s Infidelity”). You as a man will be blamed for every obstacle she had to face and for every failure she encountered.
  • Women will always find a way to rationalize their behavior no matter how horrible they act. They will convince themselves they did the “right and good thing”.
  • Avoid dating women once they hit their 30’s. They have accumulated so many disappointments until that age (most of them caused by themselves but it is always easier to blame the guys since women lack introspection and ability to self-criticism) that they become damaged goods. Their emotional baggage is just too heavy for a man's mental sanity. I dated some and they were nutcases. ALL. There may be some genuinely good ones left but it is too much time-wasting and nerve-wrecking going through the hordes of bad ones to find the very few good ones. Stick to younger girls. They are younger, tighter, more beautiful, less bitter and less poisoned. Sure they are more immature (seemingly only, in the end all of them are immature and childish) and flakey but this trade-off is worth every penny. I go out many times with younger guys. They seem to have a morbid obsession with “cougars”. What the hell? Fine with me, more younger ones for me.
  • Treat any woman as you would treat your silly little sister. If you don’t have one, just imagine as if you had one. Do not take her seriously, brush off trivial acts, do not pay much attention to her stupid acting. Most of the time everything she does she is doing it to get attention from you.
  • Always put your needs and interests ahead of hers. That means you have self-respect and women like that. Every single woman that has been giving too much attention becomes too pampered and spoiled. In most of the cases she will become unappreciative, selfish and bitchy and blame you for everything.
  • Women will always remember only the good things you did for her TODAY. Yesterday is past and it does not count. Therefore, do not try to please her in any way. She will likely forget it tomorrow. 
  • WOMEN! LISTEN HERE. Do anything you can to get married before you hit 30. Have as many children as possible. This will give you a higher purpose in life. You will thank me one day for this advice. Otherwise you will become resentful, angry, bitter, frustrated, spiteful or even straight-up evil. That’s right! EVIL!

Rest assured there are millions of other "rules" I could make but it is enough for today. There is always tomorrow and this blog will go on.

I just want to go back to our boy and girl. I want to assure you the boy does not wish bad to the girl. On the contrary. He wishes she would find herself and pull herself out of this self-imposed misery. Furthermore, I am sure having children would make her less angry and bitter. But I doubt it. She seems damaged beyond repair. And that is a shame. She was gifted by genetics with drop-dead body and face and she is able to maintain them even at her age. But for what good since she is single and so unwilling to have somebody? If she truly wanted somebody she could have found him in 24 hours. Believe me. She may have a fucker on the side (I doubt it) but she should know (and all women as well, but they mostly do not) that woman’s real value is given by the man who commits to her not just fucks her. We have here a woman who has all the assets needed to attract most of the males she wants and works in a place where every big swinging-dick of the town comes by. She has probably had every potential suitor walking before her eyes but decided not to because………because what……because she was "abandoned" a million years ago? Jesus. Just forget or forgive and move on. Stop acting like the silly little girl I was talking about. You are in your fucking mid-thirties already. At this age you are now a spinster for God’s sake. A SPINSTER! In few more years you will be a cat-lady. A CAT-LADY! Pathetic and sad. Poor creature. 

Pier Paolo Pasolini once said "Man’s only greatness lies in his tragedy". He was referring to people in general not men per se. But he was wrong. He should have said "Woman’s only greatness lies in her tragedy". I hope and wish she could regain her sanity (even an ounce of it would make a difference).

And since I have not gotten any "thank you" from the silly little girl for the flowers and birthday wishes (not that I expected one) I want to congratulate myself for proving (to myself, she probably understood I wanted to apologize again or I wanted to get in her pants, who cares) that I am better than her. She is a scorned little girl after all and we all know now that…….

“Heav'n has no rage, like love to hatred turn'd,
Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn'd.”

16 comentarii:

  1. Altădată fă-ţi traducerile. E păcat să stau să pierd vremea făcând traducerea unui text în loc să mă bucur de farmecul lui. Asta dacă chiar vrei să transmiţi ceva cu adevărat sau măcar din respect pentru cei care chiar au chef să treacă pe aici. Că de citate date cu copy/paste suntem sătui/sătule. No ofense! Dar de băşini din astea cu pretenţii că pot gândi într-o limbă străină când încă nici nu se pot exprima corect gramatical neaoş am auzit prea deseori şi să nu-mi spui acuma că te adresezi doar unei anumite categorii evoluate de persoane că nu te cred. Toate textele tale subliminează cu mult sub standarde tipul persoanelor cărora te adresezi.
    Este o părere exprimată cât mai sincer cu putinţă. Take it, or leave it :D

  2. Coano, te-ai trezit bosumflata. Da' nu ma supar eu pe mata. Stiu ca iti va trece in cateva zile.

    1. Ei, chiar aşa mult să-mi ia? :)))))

    2. Da, asa de mult. Pe sambata iti trece si poti sa reiei textul fara bosumflari. E o poveste adevarata fara nici un copy&paste si ar trebui sa intelegi de ce am scris-o asa.

  3. I have another opinion , as always :-)
    It's tiredly to hate somebody all the time. Slowly, all these bad feelings turn into indifference, believe me. In that girls's case, it doesnt matter to her, if she meets her ex or not.Im sure she doesnt hate him now, as a matter of fact, she is just indifferent.
    Time is passing and we all are changing. We meet fascinating people and we want more from life and from friends/lovers. She is not single now because she hates men, it's just because this is her destiny of being single for a while...

    1. Diana, obviously you have not dated many women, have you? I thought so.

  4. Cred c-am ghicit de ce i s-a refuzat viza: tipa nu știa engleza de nicio culoare.
    Că doar de aia ai scris în engleză, să nu priceapă damzela ce și cum :))

    1. Acu’ vezi Oamo de ce te-am trecut clasa pe de-a moaca atunci cu textul ala pe care nu l-ai citit? Stiam eu ca ai potential.

  5. La naiba Oama mi-a luato inainte. Devine obicei in pana mea... Poveste cu iz credibil, draguta, insa la naiba, nu chiar atat de moralizatoare pe cat ai vrea. Diluata pe parcursul celor 8 ani de A, mi se pare insignifianta. Poate daca te-ai putea pune in pielea ei ai vedea ca dracul n-are coarne chiar asa de negre, iar ale domnului expat posibil sa fi devenit trofeu si cuier. Femeile nu pot ura vesnic pentru ca sunt muritoare. Si da, prefer romana.

    1. Of Of cat va place sa ma contraziceti. De ce credeti ca telenovelele sunt asa de populare? Telenovelele “vand” emotii femeilor. Ura, razbunare, iubire, dezamagire, speranta etc. Femeile au nevoie de emotii mai mult decat aer, apa sau mancare. Mor daca nu au emotii. Si daca ele nu au de unde sa aiba astfel de emotii se uita la altii adica la telenovele. O femeie care are astfel de emotii, chiar si negative fiind, e “implinita”. Barbatii rad ca prostii de telenovele fara sa inteleaga de ce se uita femeile la ele. Si eu rad. Dar eu rad de mine si mi-e ciuda ca nu am inventat eu telenovelele. Acum e prea tarziu. :(

    2. Aidi bre, nu fi trist. Dau ceva de baut, agatam Mitzele si Oamele si simulam un razbel intersexe. Pariu ca iele ca neste duamne or sa ne lase sa castigam ca sa nu iesim cu orgoliile sifonate.

    3. De la primavara incolo facem si scriem si de agatari. Iarna, mai putin. Brrrrrr

    4. Si mie mi-e cam umbră. Ai dreptate, scriem despre agaţamente la vară.

  6. Ufff...femeile astea. Ce vrei? Azi te iubesc, te vreau, imi placi, esti tipul perfect atata timp cat este cum vreau. Maine, cand vantul va sufla dinspre vest si nu dinspre est, ei bine, maine lucrurile pot fi nesigure. Dragoste, statornicie, siguranta si cunoasterea celui de langa tine? Balarii. Live the moment. Yeah. Life sucks. And know something else? So are them. The women I mean. :)

    Life is a bitch. You just have to be reminded once in a while that you have to f... her. :) Pardon my french :)

    In esenta, femeia este nestatornica. Rare sunt cele care ''tin cu casa'', iar ca si regula, o fac in clipa in care au o siguranta mai mare in relatie, gen mariaj deja facut,, eventual si un tanc de care sa aiba grija. Atunci intra mai multe lucruri in ecuatie si gandurile in legatura cu abandonul relatiei se pierd in perspectiva pierderii stabilitatii obtinute.

    Experienta baiatului nu poate decat sa ii foloseasca in viata. Sa fie o lectie cam atat. Punct si de la capat.

    1. "Baiatul" stia ce se va intampla asa ca nici macar o lectie nu a fost. E poate o lectie doar pentru unii naivi sau naive care mai cred in "dragoste eterna". Asta tine maxim 4 ani dupa care..........BORING! Si la multi nici macar atata.

  7. Soțul meu m-a lăsat cu doi copii, m-am simțit groaznic și aproape m-am sinucis pentru că ne-a lăsat fără nimic. Am fost emoționat în tot acest timp pentru că copiii m-au tot întrebat unde este tata. Mulțumesc Dr. DAWN, pe care l-am cunoscut pe facebook care mi-a adus soțul acasă și a restabilit pacea între noi. Într-o zi fidelă în timp ce navigam pe internet am dat peste câteva mărturii despre Dr. DAWN și am simțit imediat nevoia să-i cer ajutor și acum mă bucur că mi-a ieșit totul până la urmă. Soțul meu este acasă acum cu copiii mei și nu a mai fost niciodată atât de multă dragoste și bucurie în casa mea până acum. Dacă aveți probleme similare,

    *Daca vrei sa ramai insarcinata.

    *Dacă vrei să restabilești pacea și fericirea în căsnicia sau relația ta.

    *Dacă vrei să vindeci orice fel de boală.

    *Dacă vrei să oprești ghinionul sau ai nevoie de ritual pentru a prospera.
    Contactați Dr. DAWN, cu siguranță vă va ajuta,

    WhatsApp: +2349046229159
