duminică, 30 septembrie 2012

Attraction Triggers (Repost)

M-ati inebunit cu cuvintele voastre.
Poftim, link-uri la factorii atractiei (postari mai vechi de pe la inceputul blogului, cand nu prea citea/comenta lumea). Cititi si aprofundati. Plec acuma. See you later aligators!





21 de comentarii:

  1. Papillon! Ti-am adus o englezoaica pe blog la mine! O cheama Resa. Cand mai treci pe la mine, mai scrie si cu ea, ca eu nu ma descurc mai deloc cu limba asta!

  2. My Lord,

    Why you would like a grumpy old man and is Charon, who is said to walk with boats in river Styx, the river of hate, when in fact he really Paddle as the truth, the river Acheron, the river of sadness ...?

    What endless pain to be overwhelmed by Charon, who, just to throw the stick has river Lethe (η Λήθη / oblivion) ​​containing nectar (νέκταρ) which, if they drink, and forget all my troubles would be and traumas suffered ...?

    Who does not want to look Charon?

    Remember, My Lord, when I talked to the guillotine mind and cellular memory of those residues of us as a tearing limits, gutting or amputations? We live with some "nostalgia" beyond us, we do not cancel over successive lives, nor Acheron, the river of sorrow, nor Cocytus, the river complaint nor Piriphlegethon, river of fire, or Lethe, the river of forgetfulness, or Styx the river of hate ... And this, because besides all these waters, Mnemosynne, river memory retains unaltered preservation grace those events unforgettable memories unforgettable membership of a whole and not to another ...

    Do not be a grumpy old man! Be Deucalion and do yourself an ark! Find the Pyrra and, as you would be the only love on earth, and despair, as were those, take stones, bones of Mother Earth and throw them back while walking! So they did that pretended stones thrown by Deucalion in men and stones thrown Pyrra pretended to women ... every throw, behind, rising a couple new ...

    Do not be a grumpy old man! Charon Is it that old man waiting for her on Pyrra! Be so scared that it will never find that transition to take all souls, just, just saw it among the shore? Then you do not drink from Lethe! But the Mnemosynne! And wait!

    Two stones thrown over his shoulder, suddenly, it will transform into a man and a woman! But when stones were thrown out of phase with one millionth of a second? Then chances to find ... Or if you are in the end, what the hurdles will be in the way! S's will recognize, will know that he owned and still ...

    Sure, you can imagine Charon him happy!

    As Charon is being sentenced to existence between strict boundaries, so the company wants us obedient and limited in our Balt. He is not a congenital boater but a short term one, condemned by society to be, as are we, boater or pass to others.

    We impose some limits beyond which we can not ignore - as if they were monsters beyond - by all rules and regulations which they learn and follow. Any derailment is severely punished by others and even if we have the courage to face word of mouth, we would destroy that you grieve for their loved ones. Society likes specimens obedient moral, religious, not deviate from routine, be without reproach, regardless of the consequences spiritual mutilation.

    Why do you want to be Charon, Your Lordship?

    La Fee Blanche, Countess of Chou-Fleur

    1. Sper ca te referi la Charon si nu la mine!

    2. Acu cateva zile tocmai am vazut pe Youtube un filmulet cu Infernul lui Dante.

  3. În caz că ți-era dor: http://m.apnews.mobi/ap/db_6720/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=6IDFqzvu

    1. Oh. Prietenul nostru Joran. Joran for President! Mai stii cum ii curgeau balele prietenei nostre Mitzaa dupa Joran? Acu serios, daca nici povestea lui Joran nu lamureste tontii de barbati de natura animalica a femeilor, nu stiu ce-i mai lamureste.
      Sunt un caz pierdut aia care nu vor sa inteleaga.
      Si sa nu apara brigada "exceptiilor", ca nu ma intereseaza.

    2. Io nu-mi amintesc ca Mița să fi bălit după Joran...

    3. Va curgeau la amandoua. Oricum, v-a luat-o alta inainte dar nu e prea tarziu. E usor de gasit Joran acolo unde e. Nu pleaca niciunde.

    4. Apropo, la momentul de fata am patru teme de postare si nu stiu cu care sa incep. M-a apucat lenea. Trei din patru sunt cu dedicatii si doua sunt si pentru tine.

    5. Eu n-am nevoie de dedicații pentru a știi că-ți sunt simpatică :)))

    6. Nu toate dedicatiile sunt si pozitive. Unele sunt pozitive altele negative si altele neutrale. :P M-am horatat si care din cele 4 alternative de postare urmeaza. BDSM! Mwahaha

  4. In romaneste, ce ie aia bre?! Ai nevoie de atatea chestii ca sa fii atragator? Iti spun eu numai 2. Adica nu-ti spun, ca iti imaginezi tu. Trebuie sa ai...diminutive. Portofel si cocosel!

    1. Portofel si cocosel? Din pacate astea sunt doar cireasa de pe tort. Lipseste tortul cu toate ingredientele de rigoare.

    2. http://shine.yahoo.com/love-sex/worlds-unluckiest-bachelor-6-matchmakers-250-dates-larry-204300594.html

      Nenea asta are portofel baban si banuiesc ca si cocosel are (mic, mare, cum o fi, banuiesc ca-l are). Cu toate astea.....

  5. lenesule, suntem in 10.10. mai ai fix 82 zile ;)
    sunt convinsa ca n-ai uitat,ma bagam si eu in seama ;)

  6. eeee...pisici, tu stii cam multe !!...
